Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Long time gone..

Man it's been forever since I blogged. Far, far too long. I am a horrible blogger.

What's been happening? Lots of stuff. Next to none of it having to do with knitting. I'm steadily working on Mr Greenjeans, now that I have my gauge I've finally moved on from the top part to the cabling. I'm also working on a sock, a Saturday Sock and the special thing about this one is I'm working on it the way Yarn Harlot showed us in the class she taught at last year's M1 retreat. I think I'm finally getting the motions down, it seems to go faster (at least when knitting, purling just doesn't seem to co-operate much).

That's it for knitting, no finished objects, no pretty pictures (too gloomy this week for pictures and I didn't think of it last week when it was 30+ Celsius).

I'm also working on a craft room! Since we moved I have a nice little corner where I can put my stuff. For now it's full of boxes and bags, my sewing machine (still boxed) and my wardrobe (there's no closet in there to stash stuff). I picked up a table at the flea market for thirty dollars and it's a nice sturdy smallish dining room size table which will be perfect for my sewing machine and laying things out (once I get it too set up). I might even be able to display my porcelain dolls again!

Lots to do though. Back to the plotting and working..

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